Join Us!

The Philadelphia Joint Board Chapter of the Workers United Retiree Association (WURA) meets the second Tuesday of every month at 11:00 AM at the Philadelphia Joint Board union hall, 22 S. 22nd Street, Philadelphia, PA.
Located next to the Union Office at
22 South 22nd Street, John Fox Towers provides low-cost housing for retired members of the union.
For more information:
Call John Fox Towers at 215-561-5557.
A Message from the President of the Philadelphia WURA Chapter:
Hello! My name is Tommie Blocker, Vice-President of
the Workers United Retirees Association (WURA) and President of the Philadelphia WURA Chapter.

When I retired, I remained affiliated with my union and became a member of the Workers United Retirees Association. Our group participates in many activities, both social and political.
Workers United retirees are standing in solidarity with workers to win the fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 and to stop the TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership, a trade agreement that will take jobs overseas and increase prescription drug prices. In addition, we are always fighting to ensure that there are no cuts to Social Security and Medicare.
We invite all the retirees from our Joint Board to join us for some fun and fellowship, and to help secure a better future for all seniors and working families.
If you know anyone who has retired from our union, please ask them to give me a call at (267) 972-0625 or email me at